- to be deeply and fully satisfied
- a complete sense of well being -- not at all dependent on external circumstances; a sense that everything is alright even when it isn't
The Beatitudes are to be a "now" experience -- do not have to wait til heaven
The Beatitudes are not optional -- it is for all believers; each believer is to be like this
The Beatitudes are not options -- all believers are to manifest all the beatitudes; not seven different individuals manifesting one beatitude each, but one individual manifesting each of the seven beatitudes
The Beatitudes are teachings for believers -- the natural man/woman apart from Christ cannot produce the beatitudes in themselves, the beatitudes are produced by the indwelling Christ in a man/woman.
We are not "trained" into this; we are "saved" into this. After we are saved the Holy Spirit begins producing this Christ-like character in the new believer; which leads to radical Christianity and kingdom living.
To Think About
What do I now know that I did not know before I came to church Sunday?
What am I intentionally planning to do with what I now know that I did not know before I came to church Sunday?
Share your "aha" moment?
Your "balance beam" commitment...you stepped out -- from complacency and mediocrity, into radical Christianity and Kingdom Living